Sunday, June 19, 2011

Laywer Chris Destruction.

i'm pretty sure he's the reason behind these.
it's only a matter of time till he high-sticks someone right in the FACE.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

creation of this blog

tt's good to have an easy way for an outsider or out-of-towner,
that isn't associated with lvFIXED,
to find out whether or not there is bike polo in vegas.

if hnl.bikepolo didn't have a blog,
i would not have been able to discover the time/location that they play polo here in hawaii.
(unless i lurked into alohaFIXED and pieced together the info from reading their posts, which you KNOW i did).
but let's face it, not everyone is as clever and investigative as me.

by creating this blog,
it'll be as easy as googling: bike_polo_las_vegas to find out the location/time.

also, some nights after polo, i get bored as hell,
so i might as well blog about it.
